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IT Nut Hosting provides you two different ways of installing WordPress in cPanel hosting. Both ways are very simple and easy to walk on.

Installing WordPress with WordPress Manager

You can install WordPress in just a few clicks from cPanel with WordPress Manager. To do that:

  • First, log in to your cPanel shared hosting account and click on “WordPress Manager” at the very bottom on Applications Section.
  • Click on the “New Site” button
  • Select the domain that you want to install WordPress from the “Installation Domain” dropdown menu. And then click on the Install button to begin your installation.
  • Your installation will begin, and you should see a progress bar. After the installation is finished, your WordPress admin username and password will be shown on the screen. Save that information for future reference. You can now log in to your just installed WordPress from /wp-login.php as usual. Here is a visual guide for the process:

Congratulations on your first WordPress installation with WordPress Manager!

How to Optimize WordPress Website using some easy method?

Using Softaculous app installer

Our cPanel hosting packages come with Softaculous app installer where you can install WordPress and most of the other popular CMS. To install WordPress with softaculous app installer, just follow the instructions:

  • Log in to cPanel account and click on the “WordPress” icon from “SOFTACULOUS APPS INSTALLER”
  • From the new page, click on the “Install Now” button
    Install WordPress
  • On the next page, fill-up the form with the necessary information.
    Choose the version you want to install: The version of WordPress that you want to install. We always recommend you install the latest version of WordPress.
    Choose Installation URL: Choose the protocol HTTP or HTTPS depending on your need, and choose the domain or subdomain where you want to install the WordPress. If you want to install WordPress under a subdirectory under that domain, then type that in the “In Directory” box. Otherwise, leave it blank.
    Site Name: Enter the name of your new website.
    Site Description: Enter a very short description of your website.
    Enable Multisite (WPMU): If you do not specifically need the WordPress multi-site feature, then we would recommend not to use it as it’s somewhat hassle to manage WordPress Multisite. So do not tick the option unless you need to.
    Admin Username: Enter the Administrative username that you want to use for the website
    Admin Password: Enter a strong password for your administrative user
    Admin Email: Enter your email address
    Site Language: Leave it as default English
    Select Plugins: There is an optional selection of some useful plugins. If you need them, you can check the checkbox. Skip the Advanced Options, optionally select a theme from the list, and click on the “Install” button.
    Optional Theme Selection Menu

Your WordPress installation will begin, and you will see a progress bar indicating your installation progress. Once the status reaches 100% and your installation finishes, you can log in to your WordPress installation and start managing your website.

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