You are currently viewing How can I log in to my Webmail?

There are two types of emails available with us at IT Nut hosting. Here you will get the method to log in to both of them:

Log in to the free webmail with hosting: With any hosting package, you get access to our cPanel email services too. You can create webmail and log into the webmail to send and receive emails. After your email has been created, you can log into the webmail simply by adding /webmail at the end of your domain name. For example, if your domain name is then go to on the browser and you will be taken to the webmail login page. You can also log in directly using the IP address for your hosting account and port: 2096 at the end. webmail

On the login screen, enter your email address and password and press login. On your first login, you will be taken to select a Default Webmail Application. We recommend you use the Roundcube application. Click on the “Set as Default” button below if you don’t want to be asked again to select the webmail application. Then click on the Roundcube icon to log into your webmail.

How to use webmail in Gmail? roundcube

After successfully logging in, you can now use your webmail as usual.

Log in to our premium Business email service: If you are using our business email service, You can log in to the webmail using the URL: or the URL that you have set up during the initial business mail setup.

You can learn more about the benefits of our business mail service from here

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